IISH News Service January 2, 2007
New items on the IISH website in December 2006:
A dozen Dutch letters by Mohammed Hatta, 1936-1940
New issue (vol 4, 2006) of Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische
Report of the International Conference on Child Labour in Amsterdam,
November 2006
New Publication: 'Waarover spraken zij? Economische
Geschiedbeoefening in Nederland…' by Leo Noordegraaf
New issue (vol 51, part 3, December 2006) of IRSH
Supplement 14 (December 2006) of IRSH: Studies in Indian Labour
Upcoming events: http://www.iisg.nl/news/
Until 11 March 2007
Exhibition: "Fiep in de krant" – illustrations by Fiep Westendorp for
newspaper Het Parool
In: Persmuseum – in Dutch
11 January 2007
Meeting of Friends of the IISH
Lecture: "Socially engaged. Extracts from films and videotapes from
the IISH collections"
24-26 January 2007
Conference: "Mobilities", organized by the Amsterdam School for
Social-science Research (ASSR) in honour of Abram de Swaan.
30 January 2007
Lecture: "De Creolisering van Surinaamse joden" by Wieke Vink
27 February 2007
Lecture: "Measuring the Contribution of Spinning to Household
Earnings…England 1550-1770" by Craig Mildrew
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